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"Companies signing on to corporate pledges is an essential piece of the overall momentum that we need to get reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. If they have interim targets along the way and clear plans for how to meet those interim targets, that's a good sign." Jennifer Haverkamp on corporate climate pledges.
NPR Marketplace
The gap between kindergarten and preschool enrollment is "driven by the fact that parents have to pay for preschool and kindergarten is available to our public school system. So what we have done is create a nation of kids who are underinvested in, and that feeds into not just what our potential is as an economy, but it also feeds into inequality." Betsey Stevenson on the need for affordable child care.
Business Insider
"The mandate is actually really good for business. You don't want to be the CEO out on a ledge, potentially creating a PR disaster, but if everyone in your industry is doing the same thing, you're not on the ledge. It's depoliticized the issue." Justin Wolfers on Biden's vaccine and testing mandate for large companies
NBC News
"We are not recognizing the issue of trauma that is really connected to the experience of housing instability and homelessness for kids. When behaviors are manifesting in the classroom, rather than trying to connect those kids to the support services that they need, we're pushing them out of school." Jennifer Erb-Downward on the connection between housing instability and learning.
"Our results suggest reasons to be cautious about attempts to spur the poor to break out of poverty through setting higher aspirations. Our results show that such an approach may even backfire if these aspirations are set so high as to be unachievable." Dean Yang on a 'mindset' approach to anti-poverty work.