In the news
“If the realities of marginalized communities do not help to set the terms of innovation, these populations are unlikely to benefit. The technologies might even marginalize them further.” Shobita Parthasarathy on why testing alone will not get us out of this pandemic.
"There is something brewing that could create problems for Putin." Ambassador (ret) Melvyn Levitsky, on the longevity of Putin’s rule.
U.S. News and World Report
“No one yet knows the full impact of the economic and public health crisis that is consuming our lives today and disproportionately impacting the poorest American families.” H. Luke Shaefer on the likelihood 2019 is an economic high-point.
"I am concerned with the dwindling travel options during COVID-19, especially for underserved communities." Robert Hampshire on the impact of Uber and Lyft leaving major cities.
"Their positions are fixed already and they would likely only see the negative manifestations which you could almost always find during extended campaigns." Christian Davenport on the fixed position among racially conservative white voters.
New York Times