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“The most important tool is good governance that is responsive, vigilant and science-driven. We need policymaking that is rooted in both science and the value of protecting our public's health.” Paula Lantz’s op-ed urges local and state leaders to use science-backed policy to fight COVID-19.
Detroit Free Press
"When you’re enrolling in college, you are buying some of my time. If you put 1,000 people into a classroom and you buy a thousandth of my time, you’re going to get a lot less of that.” Kevin Stange on why a national system of online courses would not increase access to affordable, quality education.
"Legislation can breathe and adjust and be reinterpreted, but at some point, you probably have to go back to the legislative drawing board, especially if you're thinking of taking on a massive issue like climate change." Barry Rabe on the limits of the Clean Air Act.
E&E News
“Given the politicization that has occurred on so many issues within the department, it’s encouraging that the homeland threat assessment takes a much more objective and nonpartisan perspective on cataloguing all these threats.” Javed Ali on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s first-ever threat assessment report.
Washington Post
"Now what we're seeing is the coin shortage really having an impact on lower income consumers. It does really impact those day to day activities for a lot of consumers.” Adrienne Harris on the shortage of U.S. currency coins.
VICE video